Each consultation begins with a BESPOKE assessment of your past, current and future beauty and lifestyle goals. We consult before we treat. We only recommend products & treatments which best meet your specific needs rather than up-sell technology and products at our disposal – our consultants and medical practitioners do not have sales quota’s or commission targets. Services are offered based on our assessment of the conditions and goals presented. Services we recommend may include consultation with our medical practitioner and/or Plastic Surgeon.
The technology and products have been selected in consultation with our esteemed medical practitioners to provide visible and safe outcomes without compromising your health and appearance in the long-term. Our treatments and services range from treating specific skin concerns such as anti-aging & rejuvenation, acne, hyper-pigmentation and melasma to cosmetic injecting by an experienced cosmetic Doctor.
We are committed to ensuring safe, compliant and quality assured products and services. We intend to facilitate a culture of best practices and safety revolving exclusively around the needs and requirements of our clientele and staff.
BeautyMedix is committed to philanthropic partnerships and the integrity of all products and practices, while actively increasing the exposure and affiliation of our worldly and worthy partners. Hagar Australiaworks to transform and restore the lives of women and children who have been trafficked, trapped in slavery or abused. This is part of a larger network partnering with Australian, US and UK Governments, inclusive of agencies like UNICEF.
In Australia, Hagar’s work is championed by patron, actor Rachel Griffiths. In the November 2016 issue of Marie Claire, Rachel said “I was drawn to the work of Hagar because their mission is so specific: to take one person who has been rescued from domestic or sexual enslavement. It’s case by case. And it’s medical, legal. It’s working with local authorities. It’s deep trauma processing.... The final thing is to provide education in some kind of trade because if you are able to make a living, you’re worth more than being a trafficked person".
Hagar plays an influential role in public policy on human trafficking and slavery as a member of the Australian Government’s Roundtable on Human Trafficking and Slavery. BeautyMedix is committed to raising awareness and funds for Hagar Australia and championing the works and values of this wonderful organization.

Each consultation begins with a BESPOKE assessment of your past, current and future beauty and lifestyle goals. We consult before we treat. We only recommend products & treatments which best meet your specific needs rather than up-sell technology and products at our disposal – our consultants and medical practitioners do not have sales quota’s or commission targets. Services are offered based on our assessment of the conditions and goals presented. Services we recommend may include consultation with our medical practitioner and/or Plastic Surgeon.
The technology and products have been selected in consultation with our esteemed medical practitioners to provide visible and safe outcomes without compromising your health and appearance in the long-term. Our treatments and services range from treating specific skin concerns such as anti-aging & rejuvenation, acne, hyper-pigmentation and melasma to cosmetic injecting by an experienced cosmetic Doctor.
We are committed to ensuring safe, compliant and quality assured products and services. We intend to facilitate a culture of best practices and safety revolving exclusively around the needs and requirements of our clientele and staff.
BeautyMedix is committed to philanthropic partnerships and the integrity of all products and practices, while actively increasing the exposure and affiliation of our worldly and worthy partners.
Hagar Australia works to transform and restore the lives of women and children who have been trafficked, trapped in slavery or abused. This is part of a larger network partnering with Australian, US and UK Governments, inclusive of agencies like UNICEF.
In Australia, Hagar’s work is championed by patron, actor Rachel Griffiths. In the November 2016 issue of Marie Claire, Rachel said “I was drawn to the work of Hagar because their mission is so specific: to take one person who has been rescued from domestic or sexual enslavement. It’s case by case. And it’s medical, legal. It’s working with local authorities. It’s deep trauma processing.... The final thing is to provide education in some kind of trade because if you are able to make a living, you’re worth more than being a trafficked person".
Hagar plays an influential role in public policy on human trafficking and slavery as a member of the Australian Government’s Roundtable on Human Trafficking and Slavery. BeautyMedix is committed to raising awareness and funds for Hagar Australia and championing the works and values of this wonderful organization.
CO-VID 19 has made life and support for all NGO's and those who support them just so much more difficult but BEAUTYMEDIX is committed to Hagar.
T: 03 9596 7320
Tues to Sat: 10am - 5pm
Thurs: 10am - 7pm
370A Bay Street
Melbourne, Brighton
Vic 3186